e) Presentations (Other than the ones mentioned above)
"Einsatz von Jupyter-Notebooks in der Mathematik-Lehre".
Webinar in the Ostfalia e-Tea-Series. May 2023.
"E-Assessment in Moodle". Webinar in the Ostfalia e-Tea-Series. April 2020.
Rod, Oliver; Priss, Uta.
"Programmieraufgaben in Moodle und LON-CAPA." Webinar in the
eCULT webinar series. February 2019.
"Begrifflich-semiotische Analyse der mathematischen Sprache." Presentation
in the Ernst-Schröder-Seminar, TU Darmstadt, Juli 2018.
"Einsatz von eLearning-Werkzeugen zum Erkennen und Überwinden von
Lernhürden in der Mathematiklehre." Webinar in the
eCULT webinar series. March 2017.
Priss, Uta; Müller, Oliver; Rod, Oliver. "Automatisch bewertete Programmieraufgaben
und deren Austausch." (Workshop), Teaching Trends, TU Clausthal, November 2016.
"Warum Statistik schwer zu lernen ist -- eine semiotisch-konzeptuelle Analyse."
Presentation in the Fachbereichskolloquium Psychologie Marburg, Uni Marburg, November 2016.
Oliver Rod, Uta Priss, Nils Jensen. "ProFormA-Middleware - Vorteile von
Programmierbewertungssystemen und Lernmanagementsystemen verbinden" (Poster),
In: Lucke et al., Proceedings DeLFI & HDI,
LNI P-262, Ges. f. Informatik, 2016, p. 301-303.
"A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Conceptual Development in Learning Mathematics."
13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, July 2016.
"Übungsaufgaben mit Computer-Algebra-Software - Mathematik "machen", statt
nachmachen." Webinar in the
eCULT webinar series. December 2015.
"Linguistic Data Mining with FCA." Keynote Lecture presented at CLA 2014,
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and
Their Applications, Kosice, Slovakia, October 2014.
"Programming Exercises for Teaching Mathematics." Presented at the
Summerschool Dresden "Methodology of task design", Dresden, September 2014.
"Begriffsverbände und Mediannetzwerke." Presented at Biomathematisches
Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig, May 2014.
Priss, Uta; Jensen, Nils.
"Methodengestützter Einsatz von eLearning-Technologien."
DGHD Jahrestagung, Braunschweig 2014.
"Formal Concept Analysis for Linguistic Data Mining." Presented at
MIC Sorbonne 2012, 3rd International Interdisciplinary Workshop
Meta-Informative Centering Theory (MIC), Paris, France 2012.
"Formal Concept Analysis and Logic Diagrams." Keynote Lecture at
Logic Now and Then (LNAT), Brussels, Belgium 2011.
Priss, Uta; Old, L. John.
"Enhancing Roget's Thesaurus with Semantic Tags." Presented at
the Second Conference on Concept Types and Frames
in Language, Cognition, and Science, Düsseldorf, Germany 2009.
"Modelling Lexical Databases with Formal Concept Analysis."
Keynote Lecture at Computer-aided Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge, CASK,
Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2008.
Priss, Uta; Old, L. John.
"Data Weeding Techniques in Linguistic Applications of Formal
Concept Analysis." Presented at
Knowledge Processing in Practice, Darmstadt 2007.
"Ontology Engineering with Formal Concept Analysis."
Presented at the Geoinformatikforum, University of Münster, October 2004.
"A Sign by any other Name."
Presented at the SLIS Colloquium, Indiana University, November 2003.
(Slides and Recording)
"Coda - A tool for conceptual data analysis."
Presented at the PORT Semantic Web Workshop, 9th International Conference
On Conceptual Structures, Stanford, CA, July 2001.
"Ontologies and Context."
Presentation in the computer science research
seminar. Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, February 2001.
"Relational Concept Analysis as an Interface for Relational Databases."
International Conference on Knowledge, Logic, Information.
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, February 1998.
Priss, Uta; Jacob, Elin K.
"Development of a Lattice-Based Graphical Interface for Conceptual
Navigation in Classification Systems."
ASIS, November 1997, Washington DC.
"Representing Polysemy with Relational Concept Analysis."
Poster presented at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam,
July 1997.
"Begriffsverbände und nicht-lexikalisierte Begriffe (`Lexical Gaps')."
First Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik, December 1996,
Tübingen, Germany.
"Begriffssysteme und lexikalische Lücken."
Guest lecture at the Institute for German Language (Institut für
Deutsche Sprache), Mannheim, Germany, December 1996.
"Relational Concept Analysis,"
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Klassifikation (Annual Meeting of the Association for Classification),
Freiburg, Germany, March 1996.
"Treatment of Lexical Databases in Relational Concept Analysis,"
Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing, Technische Hochschule
Darmstadt, Germany, February 1996.
"Conceptual Hierarchies and Meronymy,"
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Klassifikation (Annual Meeting of the Association for Classification),
Basel, Switzerland, March 1995.
"Analysis of Semantic Structures in Thesauri,"
Conference on Begriffliche
Wissensverarbeitung (Conceptual Knowledge Representation),
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, February 1995.
f) Open-source Software
FcaStone: file format conversion software for FCA. Available at
g) Conference Chair
Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben (ABP'15)"
Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben (ABP'13)"
Workshop for FCA Tools and Applications (at ICFCA'13)
10th International Conference On Conceptual Structures, 2002
Midwest AI and Cognitive Science Conference, 1999