Call for Papers:
SENSE'09 - conceptual Structures for Extracting Natural language SEmantics
Workshop at the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS'09)
July 2009, Moscow, Russia.

We invite papers on the application of conceptual structures (such as Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) or Conceptual Graphs) to the extraction of semantics from natural language resources (corpora, the Web, thesauri or lexical databases). Conceptual structures provide mathematical models for concepts, semantic relations and hierarchies. Their usefulness for the extraction and modelling of semantics has been explored in prior research, but there have been very few conferences or workshops specifically dedicated to linguistic aspects of conceptual structures. This workshop intends to provide an interdisciplinary forum for conceptual structures applications that focus on modelling, extracting, representing, analysing and exploring natural language semantics.

Workshop Chairs:
Uta Priss Edinburgh Napier University
Galia Angelova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Program Committee (in alphabetical order):
Philipp CimianoTechnical University of Delft
Jørgen Fischer Nilsson Technical University of Denmark
Natalia LoukachevitchMoscow State University
John OldEdinburgh Napier University
Wiebke PetersenHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Heather D. PfeifferNew Mexico State University
Vladimir SelegeyABBYY, Moscow
André Wlodarczyk Université Paris-Sorbonne


Papers must be in English and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be up to 12 pages in length. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and printed in the workshop proceedings (available online and as a hardcopy distributed at the workshop).

We encourage authors to use the Easychair latex class for their submissions (although LNCS is also acceptable). Authors who prefer to use non-latex technology should follow this layout as closely as possible. Papers should be submitted (in PDF format only) using The format for the final versions of the paper is either latex/pdf or rtf/pdf.

Important Dates:


The registration is handled by the main ICCS conference (but it is possible to register only for the workshops). Non-Russian participants need a visa to travel to Moscow which needs to be requested well in advance of the conference.