Uta Priss


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  • September 2023

    Curriculum Vitae


    1996Dr. phil., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Topic: "Relational Concept Analysis: Semantic Structures in Dictionaries and Lexical Databases." Advisor: Rudolf Wille.
    1993Diplom in Mathematics, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.
    1989Vordiplom/Zwischenprüfung in Mathematics (with Minor in Computer Science) and Linguistics, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.


    2021 to PresentLecturer, Fakultät Informatik, Ostfalia Universiy of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbüttel, Germany.
    2011 - 2021Research Associate, eCult project at the Ostfalia Universiy of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbüttel, Germany. 2016-2021: coordinator of the Ostfalia eCult project and leader of the Ostfalia eLearning team.
    2002 - 2011Lecturer, School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
    1996 - 2002Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University Bloomington. Member of the IU Cognitive Science Program Faculty. 2000-2002: Adjunct Faculty in the School of Informatics.
    1993 - 1996research positions: Department of Economics and Computer Science, Fachhochschule Stralsund (January/February 1995); Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (April - August 1995, September 1994, September 1993); Center for Interdisciplinary Technology Research, Technische Universität Darmstadt (April 1994 - December 1995).
    1989 - 1994Teaching Assistant: March 1993 - March 1994: Department of Mathematics, TH Darmstadt; April 1989 - February 1991: Department of Mathematics, TU Braunschweig.


    • The WordNet database, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University (1996)
    • The Polis Center, Indianapolis (1998)
    • Indiana University Knowledge Base (1998)
    • Ontoquery Project, Copenhagen Business School (2004)
    • Shakespeare Now project (2009/10)


    Numerous courses at graduate and undergraduate level. Topics:
    • Relational and object-oriented databases
    • Web technologies (PHP, JavaScript, Perl, Python)
    • Security of WWW applications
    • Linux/Unix, server administration
    • Knowledge representation, information systems
    • Mathematics for software engineering, discrete mathematics
    Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's dissertations, doctoral students, coordinator of the master's dissertation module and leader of two academic programmes at Edinburgh Napier University.

    Special lectures

    • Keynote Lecture, Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Kosice, Slovakia 2014.
    • Keynote Lecture, Logic Now and Then (LNAT), Brussels, Belgium, December 2011.
    • Keynote Lecture, Computer-aided Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge, CASK, Sorbonne, Paris, June 2008.
    • Taught a course at the OntoQuery PhD Workshop on "Concept Analysis and Concept Based Retrieval". Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, May 2004.
    • Taught a course "The Formalization of Semantic Relations in Relational Concept Analysis" at the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, August 1998.


    • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
    • 2024: Our paper "Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams" (D. Dürrschnabel & U. Priss) won the Best Paper Award at CONCEPTS'24
    • 2016: My paper "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Conceptual Learning" was among the nominees for the Best Paper Award at ICCS'16.
    • 2014: DAAD travel grant for conference in USA
    • 2000: Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University)
    • 1998: received a $13,000 grant for development of a conceptual interface for the SAVI database from the POLIS Institute, Indianapolis.

    WWW projects

    • Github Projects (2011-2020): contributor to an XML exchange format for programming exercises, implementation of a javascript editor for the format (https://github.com/ProFormA/proformaxml).
    • Server administration: since 1996 support of Unix servers (HP, Solaris, Linux).
    • Coordinator of the "Formal Concept Analysis Homepage" (since 2002, available at https://www.upriss.org.uk/fca/).
    • Roget's Thesaurus (2009-2011): a graphical interface; uses PHP, Perl, MySQL (http://www.ketlab.org.uk/roget.html).
    • Open source software (2009-2012): "FcaStone: software for FCA file format conversion and interoperability"; uses concept analysis and relation algebra (https://github.com/upriss/fcastone).


    (For co-authored publications, the authors are listed. All other papers are solely authored by me.)

    a) Journal Articles and Book Chapters

    "A semiotic perspective on polysemy". Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 90, 2022, p. 1125–1138.

    "A Preliminary Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of a Learning Management System." Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 176, 2020, p. 3702-3709.

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Conceptual Development in Learning Mathematics." In: Presmeg; et al. (eds.), Signs of Signification, ICME-13 Monograph, Springer 2018, p. 173-188.

    "Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis: A Proposal", International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 46, 5, 2017, p. 569-585.

    Priss, Uta; Riegler, Peter. "Automatisierte Programmbewertung in der Mathematik-Ausbildung." In: Bott; et al. (eds.), Automatisierte Bewertung in der Programmierausbildung, Waxmann 2017.

    Strickroth, Sven; Müller, Oliver; Priss, Uta. "Ein XML-Austauschformat für Programmieraufgaben." In: Bott; et al. (eds.), Automatisierte Bewertung in der Programmierausbildung, Waxmann 2017.

    Strickroth, S.; Striewe, M.; Müller, O.; Priss, U.; Becker, S.; Rod, O.; Garmann, R.; Bott, O. J.; Pinkwart, N. "ProFormA: An XML-based exchange format for programming tasks." eleed, 11, 2015.

    Uta Priss, Laszlo Szathmary "Preface to the Special Issue on Concept Lattices and Their Applications - CLA 2012", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 72, 1, Springer-Verlag, 2014, p. 1-2.

    Endres, Dominik M.; Foldiak, Peter; Priss, Uta. "An Application of Formal Concept Analysis to Semantic Neural Decoding", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 57, 3, Springer-Verlag, 2009, p. 233-248.

    "Formal Concept Analysis as a Tool for Linguistic Data Exploration." In: Hitzler, Pascal; Scharfe, Henrik (eds.), Conceptual Structures in Practice, Chapman & Hall/CRC studies in informatics series, 2009, p. 177-198.

    "Facet-like Structures in Computer Science." Axiomathes, Vol 18, Springer, 2008, p. 243-255.

    "Formal Concept Analysis in Information Science." In: Cronin, Blaise (ed.), Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol 40, 2006, p. 521-543.

    "Linguistic Applications of Formal Concept Analysis." In: Ganter; Stumme; Wille (eds.), Formal Concept Analysis, Foundations and Applications. Springer Verlag. LNAI 3626, 2005, p. 149-160.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Modelling Lexical Databases with Formal Concept Analysis." Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol 10, 8, 2004, p. 967-984.

    "Faceted Knowledge Representation." Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4, Section C, 2000, p. 21-33. Available at http://www.ep.liu.se/ej/etai/2000/002/

    "Lattice-based Information Retrieval." Knowledge Organization, Vol. 27, 3, 2000, p. 132-142.

    "Knowledge Discovery in Databases Using Formal Concept Analysis." Bulletin of the American Society of Information Science 27, 1, 2000, p. 18-20.

    "Efficient Implementation of Semantic Relations in Lexical Databases." Computational Intelligence, Vol. 15, 1, 1999, p. 79-87.

    "The Formalization of WordNet by Methods of Relational Concept Analysis." In: Fellbaum, Christiane (ed.), WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database and Some of its Applications, MIT press, 1998, p. 179-196.

    b) Peer-Reviewed Articles in Conference Proceedings

    Priss, Uta; Dürrschnabel, Dominik. "Rectangular Euler Diagrams and Order Theory". In: Lemanski et al. Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Proceedings of Diagrams 2024, Springer Verlag, LNAI 14981, 2024, p. 165-181.

    Dürrschnabel, Dominik; Priss, Uta. "Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams". In: Cabrera et al. Conceptual Knowledge Structures. Proceedings of Concepts 2024, Springer Verlag, LNAI 14914, 2024, p. 149-165.

    "Conceptual Modelling with Euler+ Diagrams". In: Ojeda-Aciego et al. Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Proceedings of ICCS'23, Springer Verlag, LNCS 14133, 2023, p. 129-137.

    "Representing Concept Lattices with Euler Diagrams". In: Dürrschnabel et al. Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings of ICFCA'23, Springer Verlag, LNCS 13934, 2023, p. 183-197.

    "Semiotic Conceptual Analysis of Part-Whole Relationships in Diagrams." In: Braun et al. Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Proceedings of ICCS 2022, Springer Verlag, LNAI 13403, 2022.

    "A Concept Inventory for Teaching Introductory Mathematics." In: Fourth International Workshop 'Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application' (CARLA 2022)

    "Conceptual Schemata as a Means for Structuring Teaching Materials." In: Third International Workshop 'Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application' (CARLA 2021).

    "Modelling Conceptual Schemata with Formal Concept Analysis." In: Proceedings of FCA4AI'21 (co-located with IJCAI'21).

    "Visualising Lattices with Tabular Diagrams." In: Basu et al. Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Proceedings of Diagrams 2021, Springer Verlag, LNAI 12909, 2021.

    "Diagrammatic Representation of Conceptual Structures." In: Braud et al. Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings of ICFCA'21, Springer Verlag, LNAI 12733, 2021, p. 281-289.

    "Set Visualisations with Euler and Hasse Diagrams." In: Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (GKR 2020). Springer Verlag, LNCS 12640, 2020, p. 72-83.

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis Framework as a Qualitative Method." In: Second International Workshop 'Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application' (CARLA 2020).

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Euler and Hasse Diagrams." In: Pietarinen et al. (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams, Diagrams 2020, Springer Verlag, LNAI 12169, 2020, p. 515-519.

    Reiser, P; Borm, K; Feldschnieders, D; Garmann, R; Ludwig, E; Müller, O; Priss, U. - ein Austauschformat für automatisiert bewertete Programmieraufgaben und für deren Einreichungen und Feedback", In: Striewe & Rod (eds.), Proc. of the 4th Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben" (ABP), GI, 2019. (DOI: 10.18420/abp2019-6).

    "Applying Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis to Mathematical Language." In: Alam, Sotropa, Endres (eds.), Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of ICCS'19, Springer Verlag, LNCS 11530, 2019, p. 248-256.

    Priss, Uta; Old, John. "Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of a Lexical Field." In: Alam, Sotropa, Endres (eds.), Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of ICCS'19, Springer Verlag, LNCS 11530, 2019, p. 239-247.

    "Conceptual Alignment with Formal Concept Analysis." In: Cristea et al. (eds.), Supplementary Proceedings ICFCA 2019 Conference and Workshops, 2019.

    "Combining and Contrasting Formal Concept Analysis and APOS Theory." In: Chapman; Endres (eds.), Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of ICCS'18, Springer Verlag, LNAI 10872, 2018, p. 96-104.

    Priss, Uta; Borm, Karin. "An Editor for the ProFormA Format for Exchanging Programming Exercises." In: Dritter Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben", Potsdam, 2017.

    "Learning Thresholds in Formal Concept Analysis." In: Bertet; et al. (eds.), Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings of ICFCA'2017, Springer Verlag, LNCS 10308, 2017, p. 198-210.

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Conceptual Learning." In: Haemmerle; Stapleton; Faron-Zucker (eds.), Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of ICCS'16, Springer Verlag, LNCS 9717, 2016, p. 122-136.

    "An Introduction to Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis with Formal Concept Analysis." In: Yahia; Konecny (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Clermont-Ferrand, 2015, p. 135-146.

    "Automatisch bewertete Übungsaufgaben im Mathematik- und Informatikunterricht", In: 2. HDMINT Symposium, DiNa-Sonderausgabe, Nürnberg, 2015, p. 93-97.

    Strickroth, S; Striewe, M; Müller, O; Priss, U; Becker, S; Bott, O; Pinkwart, N. "Wiederverwendbarkeit von Programmieraufgaben durch Interoperabilität von Programmierlernsystemen." In: DeLFI 2014, 12. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, GI-Edition LNI, 2014.

    "A pragmatist theory of learning." Presented at: The Charles S. Peirce Centennial Congress, University of Massachusetts, 2014.

    "Using FCA to Analyse how Students Learn to Program." In: Cellier & Distel (eds.), Proceedings of ICFCA'2013, Springer Verlag, LNAI 7880, 2013, p. 216-227.

    "Representing Median Networks with Concept Lattices." In: Pfeiffer et al (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'13, Springer Verlag, LNAI 7735, 2013, p. 309-319.

    Keeler, Mary; Priss, Uta. "Toward a Peircean Theory of Human Learning: Revealing the Misconception of Belief Revision." In: Pfeiffer et al (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'13, Springer Verlag, LNAI 7735, 2013, p. 193-209.

    Priss, Uta; Jensen, Nils; Rod, Oliver. "Using Conceptual Structures in the Design of Computer-Based Assessment Software." In: Pfeiffer et al (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'13, Springer Verlag, LNAI 7735, 2013, p. 121-134.

    "Concept Lattices and Median Networks." In: Szathmary; Priss (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Universidad de Malaga, 2012, p. 351-354.

    Priss, Uta; Jensen, Nils; Rod, Oliver. "Software for E-Assessment of Programming Exercises." In: Goltz et al. (eds.), Informatik 2012, Proceedings of the 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI-Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-208, 2012, p. 1786-1791.

    Priss, Uta; Jensen, Nils; Rod, Oliver. "Software for Formative Assessment of Programming Exercises." In: Urban; Müsebeck (eds.), elearning Baltics 2012, Proceedings of the 5th International eLBa Science Conference, Fraunhofer, 2012, p. 63-72.

    Priss, Uta; Riegler, Peter; Jensen, Nils. "Using FCA for Modelling Conceptual Difficulties in Learning Processes." In: Domenach; Ignatov; Poelmans (eds.), Contributions to the 10th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2012), 2012, p. 161-173.

    "Generic Tools for Data Analysis and Visualisation." In: Frithjof Dau (ed.), First CUBIST Workshop, 2011, p. 53-56.

    "Unix systems monitoring with FCA." In: Polovina; Andrews (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'11, Springer Verlag, LNCS 6828, 2011, p. 243-256.

    "Combining FCA Software and Sage." In: Kryszkiewicz; Obiedkov (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA'10), 2010, p. 302-312.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Concept Neighbourhoods in Lexical Databases." In: Kwuida; Sertkaya (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA'10, Springer Verlag, LNCS 5986, 2010, p. 283-295.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Concept Neighbourhoods in Knowledge Organisation Systems." In: Gnoli; Mazzocchi (eds.), Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization. Proceedings of the 11th International ISKO Conference, 2010, p. 165-170.

    "Relation Algebra Operations on Formal Contexts." In: Rudolph; Dau; Kuznetsov (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'09, Springer Verlag, LNCS 5662, 2009, p. 257-269.

    "The FcaFlint Software for Relation Algebra Operations on FCA Contexts." In: Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2009), Moscow, Russia.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Revisiting the Potentialities of a Mechanical Thesaurus." In: Ferre; Rudolph (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA'09, Springer Verlag, LNAI 5548, 2009, p. 284-298.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Data Weeding Techniques Applied to Roget's Thesaurus." In: Knowledge Processing in Practice. Springer Verlag, LNAI 6581, 2011, p. 150-163.

    "FCA Software Interoperability." In: Belohlavek; Kuznetsov (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA'08), 2008, p. 133-144.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Lattice-based Modelling of Thesauri." In: Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop, 2008.

    Dominik Endres, Peter Földiák, Uta Priss. "An Application of Formal Concept Analysis to Neural Decoding." In: Belohlavek; Kuznetsov (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA'08), 2008, p. 181-192.

    "FcaStone - FCA file format conversion and interoperability software." Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW), 2008.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Bilingual Word Association Networks." In: Priss; Polovina; Hill (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'07, Springer Verlag, LNAI 4604, 2007, p. 310-320.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "An application of relation algebra to lexical databases." In: Schaerfe; Hitzler; Ohrstrom (eds.), Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and Application, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'06, Springer Verlag, LNAI 4068, 2006, p. 388-400.

    "An FCA interpretation of Relation Algebra." In: Missaoui; Schmidt (eds.), Formal Concept Analysis: 4th International Conference, ICFCA 2006, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3874, 2006, p. 248-263.

    "Establishing connections between Formal Concept Analysis and Relational Databases." In: Dau; Mugnier; Stumme (eds.), Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge: Contributions to ICCS, 2005, p. 132-145.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Conceptual Exploration of Semantic Mirrors." In: Ganter; Godin (eds.), Formal Concept Analysis: Third International Conference, ICFCA 2005, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3403, 2005, p. 21-32.

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Representation." In: McIlwaine, Ia (ed.). Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference, Ergon Verlag, 2004, p. 91-96.

    "Signs and Formal Concepts." In: Eklund (ed.), Concept Lattices: Second International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Springer Verlag, LNCS 2961, 2004, p. 28-38.

    "Formalizing Botanical Taxonomies." In: De Moor; Lex; Ganter (eds.), Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Creation and Communication. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Springer Verlag, LNAI 2746, 2003, p. 309-322.

    "A Classification of Associative and Formal Concepts." Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society's 38th Annual Meeting, 2002, p. 273-284.

    "Associative and Formal Concepts." In: Priss; Corbett; Angelova (eds.), Conceptual Structures: Integration and Interfaces. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Springer Verlag, LNAI 2393, 2002, p. 354-368.

    "Alternatives to the 'Semantic Web': multi-strategy knowledge representation." Proceedings of the 7th International ISKO Conference, 2002.

    "Associative and Formal Structures in AI." In: Proceedings of the 13th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, Chicago, 2002, p. 36-42.

    "Multilevel Approaches to Concepts and Formal Ontologies." In: Efthimiadis (ed.), Advances in Classification Research, Volume 12. Proceedings of the 12th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Information Today, 2001.

    "A Triadic Model of Information Flow." In: Mineau, Guy (ed.), Conceptual Structures: Extracting and Representing Semantics. Contributions to the 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Stanford University, California, USA, 2001, p. 159-170.

    Old, L. John; Priss, Uta. "Metaphor and Information Flow." In: Proceedings of the 12th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, 2001, p. 99-104.

    Jacob, Elin; Davenport, Elisabeth; Priss, Uta. "The World of Pokemon: A Dynamic Ecological Classification System." In: Soergel, D.; Srinivasan, P.; Kwasnik, B. (eds.), Classification for User Support and Learning. Proceedings of the 11th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, 2000, p. 149-151.

    Davenport, Elisabeth; Rosenbaum, Howard; Priss, Uta. "Ethological Classification: A Model For Ordering the Commercial Workplace that Draws on Collective Practice." In: Soergel, D.; Srinivasan, P.; Kwasnik, B. (eds.), Classification for User Support and Learning. Proceedings of the 11th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, 2000, p. 153-155.

    "Comparing Classification Systems using Facets." In: Beghtol, C.; Howarth, L.; Williamson N. (eds.), Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization. Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference, 2000, p. 170-175.

    "Faceted Information Representation." In: Stumme, Gerd (ed.), Working with Conceptual Structures. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2000, p. 84-94.

    Priss, Uta; Jacob, Elin K. "Utilizing Faceted Structures for Information Systems Design." Proceedings of the 62st Annual Meeting of ASIS, 1999, p. 203-212.

    Jacob, Elin K.; Priss, Uta. "Application of faceted classification structures in electronic knowledge resources." Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, 1999.

    Jacob, Elin K.; Priss, Uta. "Non Traditional Indexing Structures for the Management of Electronic Resources." In: Advances in Classification Research, Vol. 10, Information Today, 1999.

    "Description Logic and Faceted Knowledge Representation." Proceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics (DL99), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 22, 1999.

    Priss, Uta; Jacob, Elin K. "A Graphical Interface for Faceted Thesaurus Design." In: Jacob, Elin (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, 1998, p. 107-118.

    Priss, Uta; L. John Old. "Information Access through Conceptual Structures and GIS." In: Information Access in the Global Information Economy. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of ASIS, 1998, p. 91-99.

    "A Graphical Interface for Conceptually Navigating Faceted Thesauri." In: Mustafa el Hadi; Maniez; Pollitt (ed.), Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization. Proceedings of 5th Int. ISKO Conf., Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 6, 1998, p. 184-190.

    "Implementing Semantic Relations Using Formal Bases." In: Mineau, Guy; Fall, Andrew (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International KRUSE Symposium. Vancouver, August 1997, p. 195-205.

    "A Graphical Interface for Document Retrieval Based on Formal Concept Analysis." In: Santos, Eugene (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference. AAAI Technical Report CF-97-01, 1997, p. 66-70.

    "Classification of Meronymy by Methods of Relational Concept Analysis." Online Proceedings of the 1996 Midwest Artificial Intelligence Conference, Bloomington, Indiana. Available at:

    c) Edited Volumes (Chaired Conferences)

    Bott, Oliver; Fricke, Peter; Priss, Uta; Striewe, Michael (eds.). Automatisierte Bewertung in der Programmierausbildung. Digitale Medien in der Hochschullehre, ELAN e.V., Waxmann 2017.

    Priss, Uta; Striewe, Michael (eds.), Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben, (ABP 2015), Proceedings, CEUR Volume 1496, Wolfenbüttel, November 2015.

    Priss, Uta; Szathmary, Laszlo (eds.), Special Issue on Concept Lattices, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 72, 1-2, Springer Verlag, 2014.

    Priss, Uta; Striewe, Michael (eds.), Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben, (ABP 2013), Proceedings, CEUR Volume 1067, Hannover, October 2013.

    Szathmary, Laszlo; Priss, Uta (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Universidad de Malaga, ISBN 978-84-695-5252-0, 2012.

    Priss, Uta; Angelova, Galia (eds.), SENSE'09 - conceptual Structures for Extracting Natural language SEmantics, Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, 2009.

    Kaburlasos, Vassilis; Priss, Uta; Grana, Manuel (eds.), "Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop." Proceedings. Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2008.

    Priss, Uta; Polovina, Simon; Hill, Richard (eds.), "Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications." Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Springer Verlag, LNAI 2604, 2007.

    Priss, Uta; Corbett, Dan; Angelova, Galia (eds.), "Conceptual Structures: Integration and Interfaces." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Springer Verlag, LNAI 2393, 2002.

    Angelova, Galia; Corbett, Dan; Priss, Uta (eds.), "Foundations and Applications of Conceptual Structures." Contributions to ICCS 2002, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, July 2002.

    Priss, Uta (ed.) "Proceedings of the Tenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS-99)." AAAI Technical Report CF-99-01, 1999.

    d) Other Publications

    "Ontologies and Context" (invited presentation). In: Proceedings of the 12th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, 2001, p. 12-13.

    "Relational Concept Analysis: Semantic Structures in Dictionaries and Lexical Databases." (PhD Thesis) Verlag Shaker, Aachen 1998.

    "Rationale Zahlen als Summe ägyptischer Brüche." Unpublished Master's Thesis. Technische Universität Braunschweig. July 1992.

    e) Presentations (Other than the ones mentioned above)

    "Einsatz von Jupyter-Notebooks in der Mathematik-Lehre". Webinar in the Ostfalia e-Tea-Series. May 2023.

    "E-Assessment in Moodle". Webinar in the Ostfalia e-Tea-Series. April 2020.

    Rod, Oliver; Priss, Uta. "Programmieraufgaben in Moodle und LON-CAPA." Webinar in the eCULT webinar series. February 2019.

    "Begrifflich-semiotische Analyse der mathematischen Sprache." Presentation in the Ernst-Schröder-Seminar, TU Darmstadt, Juli 2018.

    "Einsatz von eLearning-Werkzeugen zum Erkennen und Überwinden von Lernhürden in der Mathematiklehre." Webinar in the eCULT webinar series. March 2017.

    Priss, Uta; Müller, Oliver; Rod, Oliver. "Automatisch bewertete Programmieraufgaben und deren Austausch." (Workshop), Teaching Trends, TU Clausthal, November 2016.

    "Warum Statistik schwer zu lernen ist -- eine semiotisch-konzeptuelle Analyse." Presentation in the Fachbereichskolloquium Psychologie Marburg, Uni Marburg, November 2016.

    Oliver Rod, Uta Priss, Nils Jensen. "ProFormA-Middleware - Vorteile von Programmierbewertungssystemen und Lernmanagementsystemen verbinden" (Poster), In: Lucke et al., Proceedings DeLFI & HDI, LNI P-262, Ges. f. Informatik, 2016, p. 301-303.

    "A Semiotic-Conceptual Analysis of Conceptual Development in Learning Mathematics." 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, July 2016.

    "Übungsaufgaben mit Computer-Algebra-Software - Mathematik "machen", statt nachmachen." Webinar in the eCULT webinar series. December 2015.

    "Linguistic Data Mining with FCA." Keynote Lecture presented at CLA 2014, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Kosice, Slovakia, October 2014.

    "Programming Exercises for Teaching Mathematics." Presented at the Summerschool Dresden "Methodology of task design", Dresden, September 2014.

    "Begriffsverbände und Mediannetzwerke." Presented at Biomathematisches Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig, May 2014.

    Priss, Uta; Jensen, Nils. "Methodengestützter Einsatz von eLearning-Technologien." DGHD Jahrestagung, Braunschweig 2014.

    "Formal Concept Analysis for Linguistic Data Mining." Presented at MIC Sorbonne 2012, 3rd International Interdisciplinary Workshop Meta-Informative Centering Theory (MIC), Paris, France 2012.

    "Formal Concept Analysis and Logic Diagrams." Keynote Lecture at Logic Now and Then (LNAT), Brussels, Belgium 2011.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Enhancing Roget's Thesaurus with Semantic Tags." Presented at the Second Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science, Düsseldorf, Germany 2009.

    "Modelling Lexical Databases with Formal Concept Analysis." Keynote Lecture at Computer-aided Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge, CASK, Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2008.

    Priss, Uta; Old, L. John. "Data Weeding Techniques in Linguistic Applications of Formal Concept Analysis." Presented at Knowledge Processing in Practice, Darmstadt 2007.

    "Ontology Engineering with Formal Concept Analysis." Presented at the Geoinformatikforum, University of Münster, October 2004.

    "A Sign by any other Name." Presented at the SLIS Colloquium, Indiana University, November 2003.

    "Coda - A tool for conceptual data analysis." Presented at the PORT Semantic Web Workshop, 9th International Conference On Conceptual Structures, Stanford, CA, July 2001.

    "Ontologies and Context." Presentation in the computer science research seminar. Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, February 2001.

    "Relational Concept Analysis as an Interface for Relational Databases." International Conference on Knowledge, Logic, Information. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, February 1998.

    Priss, Uta; Jacob, Elin K. "Development of a Lattice-Based Graphical Interface for Conceptual Navigation in Classification Systems." ASIS, November 1997, Washington DC.

    "Representing Polysemy with Relational Concept Analysis." Poster presented at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997.

    "Begriffsverbände und nicht-lexikalisierte Begriffe (`Lexical Gaps')." First Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik, December 1996, Tübingen, Germany.

    "Begriffssysteme und lexikalische Lücken." Guest lecture at the Institute for German Language (Institut für Deutsche Sprache), Mannheim, Germany, December 1996.

    "Relational Concept Analysis," Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (Annual Meeting of the Association for Classification), Freiburg, Germany, March 1996.

    "Treatment of Lexical Databases in Relational Concept Analysis," Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, February 1996.

    "Conceptual Hierarchies and Meronymy," Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (Annual Meeting of the Association for Classification), Basel, Switzerland, March 1995.

    "Analysis of Semantic Structures in Thesauri," Conference on Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung (Conceptual Knowledge Representation), Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, February 1995.

    f) Open-source Software

    FcaStone: file format conversion software for FCA. Available at https://github.com/upriss/fcastone

    Other Professional Activities

    • Program Chair/Co-Chair of
      • Tenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS-99), Bloomington, Indiana, April 1999 (Conference and Program Chair).
      • International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) 2002 in Borovets, Bulgaria.
      • International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) 2007 in Sheffield.
      • Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop (LBM) 2008 in Olomouc, Czech Republic. (Co-located with the Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA)).
      • SENSE'09 - conceptual Structures for Extracting Natural language SEmantics Workshop, 2009 in Moscow.
      • International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA) 2012 in Malaga, Spain.
      • Workshop for FCA Tools and Applications (at ICFCA'13), 2013 in Dresden, Germany.
      • Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben", 2013 in Hannover, Germany.
      • Workshop "Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben", 2015 in Wolfenbüttel, Germany.
    • Editorial Board member of the International Conference on Conceptional Structures (since 2000) and of the International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (since 2005).

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