Web Programming, Fall 2013

Lecturer: Dr. Uta Priss
(Email: u.priss (AT) ostfalia.de)


Exam preparation
More exam preparation

Module Descriptor LON-CAPA exercises FAQ Coursework
Fun: The dangers of PHP

(The LON-CAPA exercises are meant to help you prepare for the exam. Each week more exercises will be added. The exercises will not be marked but you should complete them before the exam.)

Weekly Schedule:

Week Date Topics Practicals Resources
1 25.9 HTML and CSS (pdf) exercises 1 HTML Intro,
HTML Cheatsheet
HTML special characters
CSS Reference, CSS Tutorial
2 2.10 W3C Standards, Web 2.0, CMS exercises 2 News: Google's new algorithm
W3C accessibility evaluation resources
3 9.10 Introduction to Server-Side Web Languages (pdf) PHP intro exercises,
PHP webform exercises, (answers)
PHP manual, HTML Forms
4 16.10 HTTP Protocol and Server-Side Basics (pdf) exercises 4,
environment variables exercises, (answers)
session exercises, (answers)
5 23.10 Regular Expressions (pdf)
Semantic Web (pdf)
regular expression exercises (answers) On-line regular expression test
Regular expression special characters
Berners-Lee: The Semantic Web (pdf)
Semantic Web (video)
6 30.10 Web graphics (pdf) graphics exercises, answers,
7 6.11 XML: structures (pdf) XML exercises XML DTD Quick Reference (pdf)
Interactive XML tutorials
8 13.11 XML: tools and extensions (pdf) more XML exercises, answers DOM Cheatsheet (pdf)
Live DOM viewer xhtml example
9 20.11 Web Security (pdf) security exercises Security Testing Cheat Sheet
WWW Security FAQ
Browser spy, PHP security
10 27.11 Rich Internet Applications
AJAX (pdf)
In-class exercises
AJAX exercises, answers
Wikipedia: Javascript, AJAX XMLHttpRequest
AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications (paper)
You may need Firefox for the AJAX exercises.
11 4.12 Unicode, XSL, and HTML5 (pdf)
exercises Unicode, HTML Canvas demo,
Evercookie (Wikipedia)
12 11.12 Web services (pdf)
SOAP exercises phprestsql
13 18.12 On-line evaluation of code
More exam preparation
Exam 10.1.14 14:00-15:30    

Alternatives for students who already know PHP

Uta Priss' Homepage