Short Answer Questions
(Write 1-2 Sentences when answering each question.)
1) HTML and CSS
What is the difference between HTML and HTML 5 with respect to how pages
are formatted?
2) W3C, Web 2.0 and CMS
Which of the information that is stored in Apache access log files can
be used to trace users. How can this information be used for tracing users?
4) HTTP Protocol and Server-Side Basics
Can sessions be established even if a user has cookies and Javascript turned off?
If yes, explain how.
5) Regular Expressions
5.1) Consider the regular expression
What problem occurs if this expression is used to delete tags from HTML and
how can this problem be solved?
6) Web Graphics
6.1) A company wants to generate ER diagrams from their databases and wants to publish
them on the web. What graphics format could be used to display the diagrams on web
pages? What software tools would be involved in creating the diagrams: list all
required tools starting with the database software.
6.2) Write SVG-like tags for a stop sign.
Since you don't have the SVG documentation available, you are allowed to invent the
tag names and attributes used in the tags. You can leave the attribute values empty
apart from the colour attributes. Include only the tags for the stop sign, not the
general tags that are at the start of every SVG document.
7) XML
7.1) The following XML document is not well-formed. List as many mistakes as you can
<furniture id=1>
<chair size=3 legs=4>
<furniture id =2>
<table size =10 legs=4>large & small</table>
7.2) Is this XML document valid? If not, state why.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE hello [
<!ELEMENT hello (#PCDATA | World | b | doc)*>
<!ELEMENT doc (doc?)>
<World/>This <doc><doc/></doc> is
<b>very</b> < well formed >.
7.3) With respect to an XHTML document, write the DOM statements that print
the content of the first child node of text in italics. (Since you don't have
the DOM documentation with you, it does not matter if you do not remember
the exact names of the statements. You can invent statements as long as they
are DOM-like).
7.4) How does SAX handle Unicode?
9) Web Security
9.1) Does the following code allow or prevent SQL injection? Briefly explain why.
$item = htmlentities($_REQUEST["input"]);
$query = "select price from sales where item = ". $item;
$result = mysql_query($query);
9.2) Which of the following does not pose a direct security risk for the server:
- html injection
- Trojan horses
- sending mail from a script
- phishing
- hidden variables
- Denial of Service
Explain your answer.
10) AJAX
10.1) Would it be possible to implement AJAX without using Javascript? What about
JSON, is that possible without Javascript? Provide a reason for your answers.
11) Unicode, XSL and HTML5
11.1) Is 靕 Unicode, UTF-8, a font or something else? If it isn't Unicode,
what is the Unicode code for the character it is meant to represent?
12) Web Services
12.1) The following lines are from a WSDL file. What is the name of the method that is
<message name='ProductRequest'>
<part name='Product' type='xsd:string'/>
<portType name='ProductPortType'>
<operation name='ProductSelection'>
<input message='tns:ProductRequest'/>
Essay-Style Questions
- Briefly describe the scripts you implemented for the coursework.
- What kind of checks did you implement?
- What are the elements in your XML file?
- What AJAX functionality did you implement?