3.4) Add a checkbox to the form (such as "Do you want milk? Yes/No") and a text area where customers can type in what kind of cake they would like to order. Change your cgi script so that it includes these in its reply, such as "you requested tea with milk", "sorry we are out of chocolate cake". The checkbox and text area must have distinct names in the form. You need a line with form.getvalue() in your cgi file for each name in your html form. #!/usr/bin/env python # ######### don't change the following three lines: ########### import cgi print "Content-Type: text/html\n" form = cgi.FieldStorage() ## add a form.getvalue for each of the names in your form: ## drink = form.getvalue("drink") milk = form.getvalue("milk") cake = form.getvalue("cake") ########## start of HTML code ########### print """ What would you like to drink

Your drink:

""" ############ end of HTML code ############# if drink == "tea": print "You requested tea" elif drink == "coffee": print "You requested coffee" elif drink == "hot chocolate": print "You requested hot chocolate" else: print "You need to select a drink!" if milk == "yes": print " with milk.
" else: print ".
" if cake: print "Sorry, we are out of", cake+ "." ########### start of HTML code ########### print """

Thank you for your visit. Please come again.

""" ############# end of HTML code ############## ----- 4.2) Write an HTML file that does not contain a form but contains three links that send URLs with attached parameters "tea", "coffee", "hot chocolate" to the cgi file. File that connects to a CGI program

What would you like to drink?

Hot Chocolate