1.1 Create a form that asks a user for his/her name and some comments. Then create two CGI scripts that create a response. The first script displays the information which the user has submitted ("Hello", name, ". These are your comments:", comments) and asks the user whether he/she really wants to submit the information. The second script is invoked by the first one and displays "Thank you", name,". Your comments have been submitted:", comments. Form:


First CGI Script: #!/usr/bin/env python # ######### CGI header ####################################### import cgi print "Content-Type: text/html\n" form = cgi.FieldStorage() ######### get form values ################################## name = form.getvalue("name") comments = form.getvalue("comments") ########## HTML header ###################################### print """ First CGI script

First CGI script:

""" ########## Form with hidden variables ###################### print "
" print "Hello", name+ ". These are your comments:", comments print "

Do you really want to submit these comments?

" print "" print "" print "" print "

" ########## HTML footer ###################################### print """ """ ----- 2.1 Use a cookie instead of hidden text in the previous exercise. The First CGI file #!/usr/bin/env python # ######### CGI header ####################################### import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() ######### get form values ################################## name = form.getvalue("name") comments = form.getvalue("comments") ######### setting the Cookie ############################### import Cookie C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() C["cookie_name"] = name C["cookie_comments"] = comments print C print "Content-Type: text/html\n" ########## HTML header ###################################### print """ First CGI script

First CGI script:

""" ########## Form without hidden variables ###################### print "
" print "Hello", name+ ". These are your comments:", comments print "

Do you really want to submit these comments?

" print "" print "

" ########## HTML footer ###################################### print """ """ The Second CGI File (twocookie.cgi) #!/usr/bin/env python # ######### CGI header ####################################### import cgi print "Content-Type: text/html\n" form = cgi.FieldStorage() ######### read cookie ################################## import Cookie import os C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() C.load(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"]) name = C["cookie_name"].value comments = C["cookie_comments"].value ########## HTML header ###################################### print """ Second CGI script

Second CGI script:

""" print "Thank you", name+ ". Your comments have been submitted:", comments ########## HTML footer ###################################### print """ """ --- 3.1 A hit counter: create a file that contains only the number "0". Your CGI script must open that file for reading; read the first line of the file into an integer; increase the number by one; close the file; open the file again for writing (not appending); write the number to the file; close the file. #!/usr/bin/env python # ######### CGI header ####################################### import cgi print "Content-Type: text/html\n" counter = open("counter.txt","r") line = counter.readline() counter.close() if line == "": number = 1 else: number = int(line) + 1 counter = open("counter.txt","w") counter.write(str(number)) counter.close() ########## HTML content ##################################### print """ Some Title

Some Content ...

""" print "You are visitor number: ", number ########## HTML footer ##################################### print """ """