Program of the
Tenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence
and Cognitive Science Conference

All events except of the reception on Friday and the Dinner on Saturday take place in the School of Library and Information Science, Main Library Building, LI033.

Friday, April 23
Welcoming Reception and Registration
Location: State Room East, Indiana Memorial Union
5:30-6:00 Registration
6:00-6:10 Welcome:
Blaise Cronin (Indiana University)
6:10-7:10 Keynote Lecture:
The Science Fiction Future of AI
Douglas Hofstadter (Indiana University)
7:10-9:00 Reception and Registration

Saturday, April 24
8:30-9:00 Refreshments and Registration
9:00-9:05 Opening Remarks
9:05-9:45 Invited Talk:
Babies, Variables, and Connectionist Networks
Michael Gasser (Indiana University)
Paper Session 1
Computer Vision, Robotics, Visualizations
Chair: Katy Boerner
9:50-10:15 The Argus Project: A Binocular Stereovision Head
for the Investigation of Distributed Visual Attention

J. Oliver Ross, Douglas Blank (University of Arkansas)
10:15-10:40 Graphics + Robotics + AI = Fast, 3D Scene Construction
Brian Mashburn, Douglas Blank (University of Arkansas)
10:40-11:05 Spatial Representation of Semantic Information
John Old (Indiana University)
11:05-11:20 Break, Sign-up for CAVE tours
11:20-12:00 Invited Talk:
Smart Virtual Environments
Katy Boerner (Indiana University)
12:00-2:20 Lunch
CAVE tours, 12:30-2:00 (Lindley Hall)
MAICS business meeting 12.30-1.30
Paper Session 2
Medical Expert and Tutoring Systems
Chair: Andrew Dillon
2:20-2:45 Treatment Protocol System for Telemedicine
in a Wireless Communication Environment

Narin Puntien, Martha Evens (Illinois Institute of Technology),
David Trace (Intelligent Medical Objects)
2:45-3:10 Novice vs. Expert Tutors: A Comparison of Style
Michael Glass, Jung Hee Kim, Martha Evens (Illinois Institute of Technology),
Joel Michael, Allen Rovick (Rush Medical College)
3:10-3:30 Break
Paper Session 3
Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Interfaces
Chair: Frank Moore
3:30-3:55 Building a Proper Noun Database
to Support Natural Language Applications

Saleem Abuleil, Martha Evens (Illinois Institute of Technology)
3:55-4:20 Bilingual Dialogs with a Network Operating Systems
Emad Al-Shawakfa, Martha Evens (Illinois Institute of Technology)
4:20-4:45 Incorporation of Case Frames for Multi-Word Verbs
Into a Lexical Database

Phyllis Kowalke (Elmhurst College)
4:45-5:05 Break
Paper Session 4
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Programming
5:05-5:30 Improved Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms
Michael Bohler (Air Force Research Lab), Frank Moore (Miami University),
Yi Pan (University of Dayton)
5:30-5:55 Exploitation of Sub-populations in Evolution Strategies
for Improved Numerical Optimization

Brian Rigling (University of Michigan), Frank Moore (Miami University)
6:30-8:30 Dinner
Georgian Room, Indiana Memorial Union

Sunday, April 25
8:30-9:00 Refreshments
Paper Session 5
Learning and Reasoning
Chair: Doug Blank
9:00-9:25 INDED: A Symbiotic System of Induction and Deduction
Jennifer Seitzer (University of Dayton)
9:25-9:50 Adaptive Behavior of Perceptual Information Processing
Atsushi Inoue, Anca Ralescu (University of Cincinnati)
9:50-10:10 Break
Paper Session 6
Learning and Searching; Representation
Chair: Michael Cox
10:10-10:35 Learning in Search for World Wide Web Documents with Queries
Zhixiang Chen, Xiannong Meng, Richard Fowler (University of Texas)
10:35-11:00 Speed and Accuracy Using Four Boolean Query Systems
Michael Chui, Andrew Dillon (Indiana University)
11:00-11:25 An Exploration of Representational Complexity Via Coupled Oscillator Systems
Anthony Chemero, Douglas Eck (Indiana University)
11:25:11:35 Break
11:35-12:15 Invited Talk:
Perceptual Learning in Humans and Neural Networks
Robert Goldstone (Indiana University)
12:15-12:25 Closing Address