Object-oriented programming I

Notes: 1) The exercises on this page use the pseudo-code "ezperl". Currently ezperl is only available on ella. Click here if you would like to see the Perl code and optional materials.

2) Type "ezperl filename" on ella. Ezperl creates a perl file called filename.plx and executes it. If you should get error messages, they refer to the perl file and not the pseudo-code. That means line numbers may be incorrect. (Ask the instructor for help.)

3) Ezperl expects one command per line. If you want to extend a command over several lines add a backward slash (\) at the end of every line to be continued.

class Student

    method printDetails
        print "Name: Student.name\n"
        print "Courses: Student.courses\n"

    method enroll in $course
        push (Student.courses, $course)

    $student1 = new Student (name "Fred", courses "L548" "L505")

    print "Input the courses which $student1.name is enrolled in.\n"
    print "When finished, type X.\n"
    $newcourse = <STDIN>
    chomp $newcourse

    while ($newcourse ne "X" && $newcourse ne "x")
        $student1.enroll(in $newcourse)
        $newcourse = <STDIN>
        chomp $newcourse



Add further attributes to the student class (phone number, email address, degree, etc). Note: you need "\@" instead of "@" in the email address. (That's Perl's fault not Ezperl's!)

Create an array of students. Let users add new students to the array. Ask the user for the name of a student and then print his/her details.

Create a method creditHours that computes the number of credit hours for a student assuming that every class is a three credit class. (Note: Ezperl does not support special variables such as $#array. The length of an array can be obtained by using it in a scalar context - same as in Perl.)

Create a class Employee that contains information about names, ages and positions. What could be useful methods for the class?